Why should I accept you?
What makes you has never been able to accept me.
When I am made up of all the same stuff
That I whole heartedly wish I could get rid of
Why do I accept you?
I am made up of all your stuff.
Without what makes you
I wouldn't have half of what makes such an amazing me
Why should I bear your name?
My attachment has never been strong.
A title only as strong as its weakest link.
And you are a weak man...
Whose family I do not wish to belong.
Why do I bear your name?
This is the how I've been known.
How I'm known is how I am to be remembered.
By removing the association, I strip away your power.
Now, you mean nothing.
Why should I empathize with you?
You have never taken the time to make things right
Or even admit that you were ever wrong.
Stubbornly standing by your words and actions with unfaltering pride.
Why do I empathize with you?
You must know such pain, for your misery to draw such company
Because of you, I too, know this pain.
But I would never wish this upon the company I keep.
For they are far too precious to fumble.
Why should I forgive you?
Letting go of my hoarded anger will not undo
The irreparable damage that's been done
I refuse to free you from the burden of accountability
As this insinuates my forgiveness is for you
Why do I forgive you?
It’s true, holding on to relentless disdain
Won't change what's been done but,
Letting go is the only path to healing that remains.
Why should I love you?
It cannot be because you gave me life
That life was not sustained by love or consistency
This life has barely survived the flaws burrowed deep into my soul
Put there by none other than your neglect and half assed compensation
Why do I love you?
Nothing you've done has proven it's due.
Yet still, I'm filled with a love that transcends my flaws
And an unrelenting desire to share it.
I believe everyone deserves the decency of love, even you.
Why should I care?
You showed no continued interest in cultivating a foundation,
Nurturing a relationship or forging a bond.
So, none of this exists and we share a lack of interest.
Why don't I care?
There will never be a interest in
Cultivating a foundation with no roots
Nurturing a relationship with no ground
Forging a bond that has never been
Have you changed?
Show me a man capable of growth and empathy.
Maybe then I will care for your quality of life.
Only then will I grace you with my presence.
But until then…you will always be my dead-beat dad.